Images tagged "skeleton-leaf"

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  1. OK … you’re killing me!!! I wish I had an ounce of your talent! OMG! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair slip cover!!! What can’t you do??? I officially hate you! 🙂 J/K MUAH!

  2. i just saw the comment that you left on my blog (thanks for going there) I LOVE your organization! That first picture with all the fabric swatches….. luv it!

    My pieces have a keyhole grove drilled into the piece of wood.
    (so it is flush with the wood) this is the first round of work i have done that way and it is working very well – although time consuming and skills needed (luckily my husband does them for me!)

  3. Is that the begining of Max’s tree on the wall? 🙂

    I put a link to your blog from my blog … wooohooo! We’re both dorks!

  4. This is a VERY inspirational story. I make Honu turtles out of wood as gifts and people tell me I should sell them too. You may see me at Red Dirt sometime.

    I like the Baubles.


  5. WOW!!! What a great looking baby! 🙂 LOL …Seriously, we LOVE our family tree! Max’s room now is the best room in the house!

    We’re also totally diggin’ the tie dye onsies! Max is looking pretty trendy in them!

    Thank you, Auntie Candy!! We love you!

  6. WOW!!! What a great looking baby! 🙂 LOL …Seriously, we LOVE our family tree! Max’s room now is the best room in the house!

    We’re also totally diggin’ the tie dye onsies! Max is looking pretty trendy in them!

    Thank you, Auntie Candy!! We love you!

  7. Found this off Pam’s blog which I got off my friend Diana’s blog… your work is amazing! Trying to figure out where in my house I could put up such a tree… what a fabulous gift. I will definitely be checking out your Etsy store.

  8. Found this off Pam’s blog which I got off my friend Diana’s blog… your work is amazing! Trying to figure out where in my house I could put up such a tree… what a fabulous gift. I will definitely be checking out your Etsy store.

  9. Wow! I definitely want one of those! My sewing table has way too much stuff on it, and I would really like one like yours that is nice and long and has the machines sunk down so they are level with the table top! Great work!

  10. Excellent job! That’s incredible and timely, too. Thanks for the instructions. I just set up my new studio office where I can receive clients, see here:

    Now I have to get my sewing room under control – three machines – and I don’t like any of the expensive furniture available. Here is my chaos to be managed:

    I’ve already forwarded your link to my husband so he can start thinking on it. Thank you for sharing. I found your link on sew mama sew.


  11. Oh my!!! You are so talented! I’m loving reading through your blog and looking at your eye candy.

    I simply love the tree hanging, so original, looooove it!!

    I’m adding you to my bloglines, so I’ll be back!

  12. This is great. Thanks for the details. I need a sewing table and I think my hubby could build this one.

  13. Beautiful sewing room and table! I’ve definitely gotten some useful ideas from this post. Especially how to organize all my scissors and thread!

  14. These are so cute! Love your new table, I need to make me one, I am the crafty and tool gal around my home, I would not trust my dear hubby with a screwdriver. (LOL)


  16. Your work is very beautiful and inspiring. I’ve had the same comment about knitted and sewn clothes and quilts I have made as gifts -‘you should make those to sell!’ What they don’t say out loud is ‘as long as you continue to make them for me for free and you don’t attempt to charge more than Primark!’ I would love to make my living making stuff but I can’t afford the outlay for the raw materials, buying sufficient amounts to have a good stock (all sorts of hoops to jump through for wholesale). Maybe one day. Until then I’ll have to stick to gifts 🙂

  17. that is an AMAZING sewing room and table. really inspiriational. my room looks like a fabric and string warehouse where all product is stored on the floor. 🙁

  18. omg – HOW do you do this? Once, about 35 years ago, I was making one-of-a-kind totes. i brought them to a fine craft gallery and they wanted 3 dozen. I told them no. The idea of doing production would drive me over the edge! Kudos to you – these are really cool and you are a hero for doing it!

    P.S. – I will post kitchenpix when I leave here.

  19. Sigh. . . . I want a sewing room!! I have a very messy “nook”, but my sewing machine is currently set up on the dining table. What a great table and space!!!!

  20. What a great table! I have the same two machines, and am CONSTANTLY hoisting them up and down off of the table. Such a drag and waste of time! And lucky me (like you) has a woodworker for a darling husband. Sounds like I have a table in my future! Thanks so much for the instructions and pics!

  21. Hi beautifull work are you related to Taffy, and Honey Glendening?? just wondering . jp

  22. OMG — you’re killing me!! I think I’m gonna have to order myself a present. I can’t decide on a mini tote or the messenger bag! Are you doing wallents too? I’d need one to match! LMAO . 🙂

  23. The goal is to have whole set of designs:

    3 sizes of totes (all done)
    3 sizes of messenger bags (got the smallest size just about right)
    1 clutch type pouch (done, but need a good name for it)
    Small & large wallet and checkbook cover (still need to work out the patterns on these)
    And then of course the notetakers to go with them!

    Then once I’ve made a bunch of all of them, people may want to request a certain set of colors/motifs for a couple of these to coordinate as a special order. That is assuming I still want to make them…I’m just about done with making totes, unless it’s a special order.

  24. sew your link on SMS – i love your table
    ! very clever – i also have the juki straight stitch at work and love it – it is a great fast machine – you will be very happy

  25. My sister sent me the link to your table, its GREAT!!! I have been looking at tables that have the drop in for the machine and they are way out of my price range, and aren’t really made that well, mostly out of press board. I’m glad you have included so many pic’s, in addition to quilting I’m pretty hand with powertools so I can make one for myself!!! Thanks for the great info.

  26. Just wondering why you don’t fuse the interfacing to the fabric before cutting? It seems like it should save a sliver of time. But probably I’m not understanding your process. In any case, I love the look you’re able to get!

  27. Hi Sue,

    Good Question – many of the pieces also get a layer a batting sandwiched in between the interfacing & the outer layer. I have to but the batting smaller to avoid bulk. Other pieces get interfacing on some parts but not others, again to avoid bulk. I also use 2 different types of interfacing, depending how much stiffness I need for that particular piece…thus I can’t prefuse the fabric.

    TTFN – Candy

  28. I love your bags, do you have patterns? or do you just sell the bags? You would do very well with the patterns. I just found your blog and have been scrolling through it for the first time so if somewhere you have information about your bags I’ve just not found it yet. I work with Paintstiks and can see some wonderful fabric painted and then bags made from it. I have painted/stenciled webbing to use for handles, usually matching the painted fabric. I love bags, and have made many and teach some simple ones at my favorite shop. Please let me know about the pattern availability. Thanks Mary

  29. Hi Mary,

    I’m so glad you like my bags! I know other people do too! I hadn’t thought about doing a pattern, as I think they are petty basic, once you know basic bag building info…I know that I have plans in the future to do a tutorial or 2, to increase traffic to my blog and basically give back to a community that I’ve learned so much from. So stay tuned for that 😉

    My fabric is dyed with Procion mx fiber reactive dyes, not painted. Again, it’s pretty simple low water immersion dyeing…but of course, it’s being able to predict and repeat a specific hue & texture, and that is years of practice and literally 100’s of yards of dyed fabric.

    Thanks for your kudos!


  30. ooooooooooh. i want to see that too.
    i was so stoked when i saw her for the first time a year or more ago, but so bummed when i heard that some people think its a spoof. (she is helped) i cant wait to see it for myself. shes an addorable little girl reguardless!

  31. In Spain there is a saying refering to Venetian glass in which a farm hand, seeing the process for the first time says something like:

    “Anybody can do it, it’s just blowing”

  32. Would this cover fit in a Moleskine? I normally use the smaller version, but I’m trying to find a Christmas present for a nephew of mine who loves scrapbooking and thought that maybe…

  33. Would this cover fit in a Moleskine? I normally use the smaller version, but I’m trying to find a Christmas present for a nephew of mine who loves scrapbooking and thought that maybe…

  34. Thanks! Yes I will be posting my notelets on etsy…I’ll probably photograph each one this afternoon and get them up later today.


  35. WOW Candy! It looks awesome!! Congratulations on your success! You know I’m one of your biggest fans. You’re so damn creative. If I could, I’d buy one of everything!

    Love and miss you

  36. What a lovely booth space! I think your work is lovely! I hope you don’t mind, but I’m adding your blog to my list of links I can’t live without, on my own blog!

  37. OOH i love the notetakers! I hear ya about taking a lot of pictures to get the right one. Once you have the best one your eyes can go cross eyed trying to enhance it!

  38. Peppermint Patcher – I know, it’s now easy! I’ll probably wait and see what sells then take one of the leftovers…but I’m completely open to the possibility that they all sell and I’ll have to make more 😉

    Sunnie – Yes I do! See:

    I won’t have time to tweak/re-photograph adn put them up in my Etsy shop until December (I’ve got 3 shows before then)…but if you see one you love, give me a holler!

  39. OMG!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! I’m sure Zoe will too!! dayum… you’re so freakin’ talented! I can’t stand it!! Absoutely beautiful!!!

  40. Caroline: The bags are made from cotton duck that I dye to get that texture that everyone says looks like suede! It makes for a good conversation starter when the umpteenth person walks by the booth!

    Tiff: Stay tuned!

    Sunnie: The Grab-n-go’s are $35, and 4 of the 5 got up and went! (including your favorite!)

    Thanks for stopping by y’all!

  41. Hey Candy,
    I bought one of your Grab-n-go’s @ your show yesterday for my student worker as a Christmas present, but COULDN’T WAIT until Christmas to give it to her! LOL 😉 …so I gave it to her when she came in for work this morning… and of course she LOVES IT as much as I did. 😉 Thanks again! Rox ~

  42. Your set up really looks great! I love the thought of doing craft shows in unusual places where you get to think outside the box on your setup! It looks like a beautiful house! It seems easy for me too, when possible, to be able to spread out and expand too!

    I think all the little grab n go’s are so cute. But if I had to guess, I would say the blue bag with yellow flap.

  43. I love that you shared your selling experiences with us, Candy. Your display looks fabulous, by the way! I’m finding the same thing with the shows I’ve been doing… people are buying more of my prints as opposed to the originals. Lower price point. Hope you’re well! Hugs, Shari

  44. Very cute Candy, I’m sure these are going to be a hit. I like the sizes you went with. Gorgeous and practical at the same time. Good luck with your show!

  45. WOW … the boys are SOOO big! I can’t stand it! I soo wish I was going to see you at Christmas! *sigh*

    We’re gonna try to get to CA in late Feb early March … so we’ll hook up then for sure.

    Love and miss you!

  46. Hello, I’m new here. (I can’t even remember where I linked from, though I only did it about half an hour ago…. these kids tire me out too much!).
    I just had a look at your etsy listing and wanted to let you know that listing all items on one listing doesn’t at all detract from the uniqueness of each bag. I like that you have the main photo showing five different bags – they all look very different in colour and quilted design. I think (hope) that most people know that when people make things they are all unique, but that they’re made in a very small production manner, so of course you do make more than one at a time.
    And yes, it does take a long time to upload a listing, so I think good idea to try and simplify it a bit.
    I’ll be back for more visiting, really like your art quilting technique.
    (My website is if you feel like visiting. And my blog is

  47. WE LOVE this mobile!! AWESOME! Auntie Candy strikes again! I can’t wait to see it in person!! YOU ROCK! We love and miss you … Christmas was missing something without the Glenndenings here!

  48. all these babies are so lucky to get a craft from your tallents!

    Max LOVES his birdie mobile. For now, it’s hanging from our ceiling fan in the living room. He is constantly staring at it. I gotta get a pic and send to you. 🙂

  49. all these babies are so lucky to get a craft from your tallents!

    Max LOVES his birdie mobile. For now, it’s hanging from our ceiling fan in the living room. He is constantly staring at it. I gotta get a pic and send to you. 🙂

  50. Every time I see fabulous spaces I long to live in my own home for a long time! I wish I could make something like this happen! It looks great (and now on to the rest of the posts!).

  51. Wow! Your house looks fantastic! Talk about taking an idea, running with it and making it your own.

    And that last seam IS a doozy. It helps to chant “you’re not the boss of me” repeatedly under your breath while you’re sewing it. LOL

  52. Wow! Your house looks fantastic! Talk about taking an idea, running with it and making it your own.

    And that last seam IS a doozy. It helps to chant “you’re not the boss of me” repeatedly under your breath while you’re sewing it. LOL

  53. This is awesome! I really love the back side of the quilt, the entire tie-tye. The colors you chose mixed with the quilting, wow! Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments regarding the tutorial! I really love the fabric house you made too, I think I might give that a try…

  54. This is awesome! I really love the back side of the quilt, the entire tie-tye. The colors you chose mixed with the quilting, wow! Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments regarding the tutorial! I really love the fabric house you made too, I think I might give that a try…

    1. Thanks Snezana! Because of the scale of these things, they don’t take THAT long to assemble (so…2-3 hours?) It’s all the thought & collage work that takes place before I’m happy enough to start stitching that takes the time…

      Stop action city walk with art houses – FUN!

      Now I want to make some birdhouses with simpler designs on the walls but funkier 3-d shapes. AND som Skyscraper type buildings! The windows remind me of my “Windows & Doors” quArt….CONVERGENCE!

  55. Oh my goodness, I’m dying here – I love these so much! The colors are so wonderful! Hmmm I’m the worst at naming things too…

    1. Well, we’ll have to arm wrestle to decide 😉
      I’m a firm believer in what goes around, comes around. I’ve learned so much from the blog-o-sphere, I’ve got to do my part to acknowledge that, and try to do my best to pass it on!

  56. LOVE “Home Is Where the Art Is: #3 Cabot Trail” — beautiful colors! You’re amazing!

    We finally hung Max’s mobile! He LOVES it. I’ll take a pic and send it to you! 🙂

    thanks again …. you’re so good to us!

  57. These are AMAZINGLY beautiful! Does require a lots of time to make them? Such a fun and what a choice of great colors! Made me want to do an art animation video project with your houses as a main character like a city walk with little people and animals! :o)

  58. OK…these were your niece’s (Kendyll) words exactly…..OH MY GOD, Auntie Candy made those, those are soooooo cool, WOW I can’t believe she made those. I definitely need to order one of those. GEEZ, she is really talented!!!! OMG, they are awesome!!!!

    Just thought you would like to know you totally blew away a 9 year old!!!

    Love them!!

  59. Your houses are fantastic! There’s a little synergy going on here too – I was just working on some pieces with dandelion heads similar to yours. Great minds think alike.

    I love all three of these houses, they’re gorgeous. They look terrific on the mats too, what a great idea.

  60. I love your outdoor dyeing studio. Obviously you live in a warm climate. Feb. where I live is cold and snowy. I’m a dyer, too, and it’s the only time I enjoy ironing, since that’s when you see the true colors. Although 60 scarves at one time could get a little old….

  61. Hello, I have just discovered your blog and I am in love with these houses. I haven’t left this page for about 20 min now just looking at the pictures over and over. I wish I could see them in person, what show are they going to? Amazing, thank you

  62. Candy, all these fabrics are beautiful…but what on earth could you mean by suggesting there is such a thing as “too much yellow”? Blasphemy! =)

  63. Your title and a consecutive numbering is exactly what I would do. Remember me…Bundle Study 164? Seriously, I think that the simple title highlights the fact that you are working on an intentional series. If there is some sort of other narrative hidden there, it would make sense to include it in the title if you like. But, I think you know what you’re doing, Candy. Oh, and I am completely devoted to that icy looking house in the other post. Amazing color combinations.

  64. WOW! can you bring that staple gun with you when you visit? I have a chair you can recover for me! LOL!! You’re sooo awesome!

  65. wow, you are lucky! That’s your worst spill? BTW, you have to show us the tee’s when they are all done! Such fabulous colors have to be admired.

  66. The chair is pretty cool; but what’s really impressive is the clean and organized sewing room!

  67. Your birds look great whatever background… they made me smile… remind me of the Partridge Family…
    “C’mon get happy!!” nice work!! I love using my hand dyes too!! Lx

  68. Your birds look great whatever background… they made me smile… remind me of the Partridge Family…
    “C’mon get happy!!” nice work!! I love using my hand dyes too!! Lx