Commission Messenger Backpack Completed
I made a large laptop/messenger bag that converts to a backpack for my friend Liz last Spring. I’ve now made a smaller one as a
I made a large laptop/messenger bag that converts to a backpack for my friend Liz last Spring. I’ve now made a smaller one as a
Phew! 5 huge messenger bags made just in time for my show this Sunday. Here are some quick pix, not very good quality, but you
Well, I’ve got to give an exam in my CSI: Redlands class this morning, and then it’s show time! I’ll be at Art for Heaven’s
Well, I’ve got to give an exam in my CSI: Redlands class this morning, and then it’s show time! I’ll be at Art for Heaven’s
So, I think I’ve got the proportions right on the messenger: Add the Mega Messenger: I’ve gotta make them one more time before they’re perfect.
I’m hoping to have 4 new bag styles by my next show, which is in October. The Grab n’Go, and then 3 sizes of messengers:
How cute are these? A couple of tweaks and then I’ll make a few for the shop and my booth.