Candy's Blog

February 2020 Goals

Well, I am so behind the 8-ball that I wrote January at the top of this post although we’re already 1/3 of the way through

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Meetup | December Goals

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a goals post! Now that Thanksgiving is over, I’ve got to focus on getting ready for my Holiday

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Meetup | May Goals

And so, it’s May! Thank goodness this is the third year of the cycle where I don’t teach May Term! I’ll spend a week totally

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Meetup | April Goals

Not much has changed here. A great trip to Nashville for Liam’s senior recital, a lot of stress, little time to blog. I’ve got a

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Meetup | March Goals

It has literally been a month since my last blog post. I’ve been doing a bit of Candied Fabrics stuff, but to say that life

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Meetup | January Goals

I’m totally out of whack with my Goals posts! So I’m starting with my November list, which is the last I posted, and going from

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