Meetup | March Goals

It has literally been a month since my last blog post. I’ve been doing a bit of Candied Fabrics stuff, but to say that life is overwhelming right now is pretty much right on the money. So much is going on, I’m just trying to keep my head about water!

New Pillows for Living Room February 28 100%
Wheat Pillow for Grace February 28 100%
Rosemary Pillow for Grace February 28 100%
Inventory April 10   50%
Taxes April 15    0%
Order blanks February 28  100%
Indigo dye Jacket and small bits February 28    90%
Start increasing scarf stock May 1    0%
Stripey Quilt for Living Room February 28    2%
New Online Shop!!!! ASAP   20%
Dye Wedding Scarves & Slipcovers for Mary April 1   50%
FMQ Club March 20    0%
Calendar Email Sent April 1    0%
Move online classes to new hosting Backburner-ish    0%
New Quilt for Logan Backburner-ish    0%
New Quilt for Liam Backburner-ish 20%
Indigo Throw Backburner-ish    0%
Update Tutorials on Website Backburner    0%
Update Galleries on Website Backburner    0%
Mod House Quilt back burner    0%


I’ve got the biggest part of inventory taken care, my scarves. I usually have our taxes done by now so that we have time to figure out where what we owe is going to come from. This year, I’m focussing on getting them done the the deadline and I’m going to call it a win when we do!!!

I got a teeny bit of work done on my new stripey quilt, and I DID get my white jean jacket indigo dyed in time to wear it to Nashville – we are headed there on Friday for Liam’s SENIOR RECITAL!!!!! Yes, indeed I’ve been having little crying bits all day about this upcoming milestone!!!

I do believe Southern California’s wet, cold spell is just about over, we have a few gloriously delicious navels on our tree:

we’ve finally got Jasmine buds

and the first blossoms on my Lady Bank’s Rose appeared yesterday:

I’m gonna try to just take that as a win!