It’s official – I’m on vacation!!!!! I’ve been checking things off my list left and right:
I finished this custom purple charmeuse stole for a client:
I did tie dye day with Logan’s class:
I took my sewing machine into the shop for a tune up…am I the only person who buckles up their sewing machine when they travel with it in the car?
The boys had their last day at school. I didn’t get the scale quite right, but it sure is cool to compare these 2 pix:
We said goodbye to Logan’s 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Tasch, and goodbye to Elementary school. We’ve really loved our Elementary school, I’m a more than a bit apprehensive at sending Logan off to middle school.
Tomorrow we get in the car and drive north to Lake Almanor. 10 hours in a truck with 2 boys and a dog – you KNOW that you envy me! š I hope to be able to post some picture postcards on the blog next week – I love having these for myself, it’s the closest thing to a travel journal I’ll ever get. If I get cell phone service, I’ll definitely be instagramming. If you’re an Instagram user, my username is (big surprise) Candied Fabrics. I’ve also added an Instagram widget to the blog sidebar as well.
To say that I’m looking forward to a vacation is an understatement!
alamodestuff Linda has started a weekly meetup based on taking a moment each week to really notice something as you go about your daily grindĀ life. I need to do this. You may want to too – read more about it here:
2 Responses
No, you are NOT the only one to buckle up the baby – I mean sewing machine. For one thing I wouldn’t want her flying at my head if we got in an accident!
Hope you have a fabulous vacation!!!
Wow! That is a big class! Bigger than any I’ve ever taught! Thirty is the largest number of students I’ve ever had. Logan hasn’t changed much over the academic year but Liam certainly has; he is really becoming a man.
I take my large Janome machine to classes every Monday. It doesn’t fit in the boot of the car so it goes on the back seat – buckled in!
Enjoy your vacation and your family time!