December Goals Meetup

This was the month to prep for my upcoming featured artist show at the Redlands Art Association December 4-27, and as I blogged yesterday, I had to install that show early (please note, this was only possible because a wee bit of emergency surgery for my little one cancelled our trip back east). It’s not at all what I envisioned, but since I am in control of what hangs there, I decided I’d just hang the one that is in my brain this weekend! It involves all sorts of 3-d mod houses that hubby has been building some small hanging mounts for. It also involves lots of new art, some of which I made last weekend, and 6 new pieces that I’m really excited about:

mid century modern house art with birds

Anyway, lets see how I did:

November Goals

Dye scarves for fall shows 11/5/10 95%
New series for RAA 12/4/10 75%
Make MORE  Mod Houses! 12/4/10 0%
6 cool clutches and wallets 11/5/10 100%
Newsletter announcing November Shows 11/1/10 100%
Seriously – SUBMIT my site to a few blogs! Why am I such a chicken? 1 every week! 50%
Going Green Pillows! 11/14/10 0%
Turn Stepouts into bags! 11/5/10 50%
Submit proposals for teaching at Create retreat 11/30/10 100%

Much to my surprise, I finished almost all of it! I was planning for being gone on vacation, and if I had actually gone I would not have gotten all this done – so guess there’s an upside to one’s son needing an appendectomy! 😉

Where I really fell down was those blog submissions…I managed 2, and just stopped. I of course sent to pretty darn big blogs, and there’s all this hoohah about not sending to too many at once, and they like it when you haven’t been shown anywhere else, yada yada…so it’s like 1 week/submission, sigh…

Now I’ve got lots of things to make in December, on top of those pesky final exams…

December Goals

Dye scarves for Dec 8 Boutique show 11/8/10 95%
New series for RAA 12/4/10 75%
Make MORE  Mod Houses and turn into mobiles! 12/4/10 0%
Make pillow and write up 2 articles for “101 Patchwork” 12/6/10 25%
Newsletter announcing Featured Artist Show and Reception 12/6/10 0%
Lillyella Tutorial 12/6/10 0%
Natalie Mega Messenger 12/15/10 0%
Lydia Kelp Habotai Scarf 12/15/10 0%
Adele Blue Notelet 12/20/10 0%
Scarves for Brian & Laura Wedding 12/20/10 0%
Custom Grab n’Go for Pete’s Wife 12/13/10 0%
Custom Scarf for Tina’s Mom 12/20/10 0%
Presents for Nieces and my Mom 12/20/10 0%
Crimson/Black Scarf for Ben 12/20/10 0%
Lunch bags for Mary 12/20/10 0%
Mystery Proposal 12/31/10 0%

OK, now that I’ve written it all down, I don’t feel so bad. But yes, that there is a sh*tload of stuff to accomplish! Along with the whole appreciating the season stuff! (Sharp eyed folks will notice I did not put blog submissions back on the list…argh….) Here’s hoping I get a lot of scarves sold this month. And I would love if all those new pieces up there found new homes as well!

9 Responses

  1. They are all beautiful. I am using the fabrics I won from you to make my jewel tone trees for block lotto this month.

  2. Wow!First. I love the birds. Second, your list is incredible. Congrats on your show and most importantly, I hope your son is feeling better.

  3. Loving all the bird houses! They are just lovely!

    Looks like you’re going to be pretty busy this month, too! Thanks so much for introducing me to Goals Meetup. I’m getting so much more accomplished than I was before I joined!

    And what is this “mystery proposal”? Can’t wait to hear about that!