Win some beautiful faux snow-dyed fabric!

And the winner is…”mframe” who loves the black orchid snow dye! 

The lovely ladies over at Sew Mama Sew has put together a huge list of blogs hosting giveaways this week, if you’ve got some time, head on over and enter some more!

I have ONE MORE WEEK of teaching…and then I’m out for summer – WAHOO! The first thing I’ve got to do once teaching is done is record a video and write up an article on what I call “Faux Snow Dyeing”. I live in the desert part of Southern California, so there’s not much snow around these parts, but I have an ice machine that makes crushed ice, so I can use that to do my version of snow dyeing:

Candied Fabrics Faux Snow Dyed Fabric

This process fascinates me because I can’t get this particular visual texture any other way, and it is so lovely. It reminds me of texture that Impressionist painters often get, and I love it!

Although I may have used a couple of these pieces, the bulk are sitting in a bin marked “pretty pieces”. I know I’ll get around to using them at some point, but I thought it would be nice to share too! So, if you’d like one of these pretties in your stash, simply leave a comment! Tell me which piece is your favorite!

NOTE: Comment moderation is turned on, so don’t be worried if your comment doesn’t shop up right away – I have to approve it first!

Today is “Tie Dye Day” in my Mother Earth Chemistry class (here are pix from last year’s fun) so I’m going to be having a busy day!

This giveaway will close Friday the 25th at midnight Pacific, I’ll use to draw a winner and I will send it out (internationally if necessary) the following Monday, so please make sure to leave the correct email and check your email this weekend.

Good luck! Don’t forget to check out more giveaways over at Sew Mama Sew!

234 Responses

  1. I love the subtle colours in Earth and Sky. Having said that, Black Orchid is very striking and beautiful.

  2. These remind me of our tie dye shirts we do every november. Daffodil sky is my favorite!

  3. I LOVE the texture! My favorite colors are natural primaries and sunset. But they’re all beautiful! Hope I win!

  4. Hands down (on the tie dye bottles in your Earth science class if I could!)–Sunset. First, last and always, the oranges.

  5. Sunset or daffodil sky? Sunset or daffodil sky? Hmmm…. thanks for this chance, they’re lovely!

  6. Gorgeous pieces of fabric,..thank you so much….love them!! Oh my…I just notice your last name. That was my maiden name…Glendenning…what a coincidence!!

  7. These are all gorgeous! I just read about this technique for the first time last week. It is beautiful!

  8. I love Sunset. The excact same colours as a painting a friend did for me a few years back.

  9. Wow, these are fantastic! I have to pick ONE?? OK, Natural Primaries. But they are all gorgeous!

  10. My favorite is Earth and Sky! I love snow dyeing fabric as you never know what the final results will look like. Also there is no shortage of snow here in Northern Manitoba 6 months of the year 🙂

  11. one word? your fabrics are spectacular. i’ve always loved the many moods of sunset so it would be my first choice if i had to choose just one.

  12. Holy smokes that’s some gorgeous fabric!!! Someone is going to light up like an X-mas tree when they win! 🙂
    All the best from the midwest,
    Christina in Cleveland

  13. Those are so neat! Who knew that snow (or an ice machine) could make such wonderful designs. 🙂 I love them all but Sunset takes my breath away. Thank you for the nice giveaway.

  14. Wild Rice and Earth & Sky are amazing-I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite from those. Thank you for the chance!!!

  15. I love daffodil sky & black orchid – gorgeous!

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

  16. They are all so amazing!!! I love the Bright Sunset and the Wild Rice especially. They are so gorgeous!

  17. Gorgeous fabrics. The colors and textures are amazing. I like Sunset and Daffodil Sky the best. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  18. How are you supposed to choose?! I guess I would have to say Sunset or Black Orchid are my favorite. Thanks for the gorgeous giveaway!

  19. I like the “Wild rice” colors!

    lindsay (dot) forgette (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. I love your snow dyed pieces- I had heard of this technique because a local friend experimented with it last spring when we still had some snow. You do get stunning colors- I really love the jewel tones and the natural primaries… Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  21. Daffodil sky is lovely, as is Sunset. You must be amazed each time you make these stunning fabric. Thanks

  22. I love the natural primaries, although they are all beautiful! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  23. It’s great to see creative solutions! I love the Earth & Sky piece.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  24. The best thing about tie and die is that each piece is unique. Thanks for a lovely giveaway.

  25. I love sunset…although they’re all beautiful that one caught my eye first.

  26. I love these! Stunning! Natural Primaries and Jewel Tones are definitely my favourites, but seriously how could you not want them all?!?! Thanks for the chance to win.

  27. Sunset is my favorite but I also love the Natural Primaries one. All of them are beautiful, you do great work.

  28. Love them all, but Sunset is my favorite. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

  29. My favorite is the Natural Primaries, such wonderful bright colors. I’ve been dying fabric lately, but nothing like this, they are beautiful. Thanks.

  30. Oh my goodness – they’re all gorgeous! I can’t pick a favorite! I’m definitely going to be keeping an eye out for your video & write-up, though, because I want to learn to do this… xo

  31. Wow – so cool! I love black orchid (of course)! If I win, I’ll have to make something cool for my mom, since she isn’t a scarf person. But, I’ve been enjoying my new scarf so much! I wore it to the wedding (coordinates with my favorite coat), but I’ve also just been wearing it to work and when I want to look nice! It really is beautiful, and I’m do appreciative! I’m trying to figure out how to downsize the pics from my wedding photographer, and then will post them on my blog (hopefully today or tomorrow)! The girls looked gorgeous in them!

  32. Oh wow these are so beautiful!! I love Natural Primaries and Earth and Sky. However it was very hard to choose! Great giveaway. Thanks!

  33. These are beautiful!! I’ve never seen this process before! My favorites are Wild Rice and Earth and Sky. They are more the colors that I love…earthy.

  34. They are all great. But the Jewel Tones is the best !
    Have a sunny week and thank you !

  35. I like the Jewel toned fabric. These are beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win a piece of this fabric.

  36. This is incredible! They are all gorgeous. I love the Jeweled Tones one. Thanks for this opportunity!

  37. I love the black orchid the most (but I love them all!). Sigh. Me likey. Me likey very much.

  38. I’d love one of these – Natural Primaries is my favorite. I just recently saw snow-dyed fabrics for the first time, and your fauxs are just as pretty. Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Ooh, they’re all so gorgeous but my favourite is natural primaries.

  40. What amazing textural colour. I think Jewel Tones suits my personality.

  41. natural primaries or sunset, oh, heck! all of them are just gorgeous so would be happy with any of them. how wonderful they are. thanks for the opportunity and have a great day

  42. Right this moment I’m partial to Black Orchid, but I can see liking them all at different times! Thanks!

  43. I love snow dying! You just can’t get the textures any other way. Love the daffodil sun and the black orchid….oh, they’re all beautiful.

  44. WOW! All the fabric is gorgeous. You did a great job dyeing it. I would love to have Natural Primaries. Thank you so much for giving away such a beautiful prize!

  45. This is a hard choice but I’m leaning toward Sunset. Wish I was as artistic.

  46. Your sunset fabric is just stunning, they are all beautifuk, but the sunset I would know how to use it rightaway! 🙂

  47. Earth and Sky jumps out at me I can see it as part of an amazing quilt

  48. I love them all but I will answer Natural Primaries! Thanks for the chance to win some of them, they are truly unique!

  49. I honestly the they’re all beautiful, but if you force me to say just one it would probably be Jewel Tones

  50. wow, they are all gorgeous. I think I like Natural Primaries the best, although so hard to choose! So, how did you do these?

  51. I have to choose Sunset; it is so gorgeous. Thank you for the beautiful giveaway

  52. Thanks for the giveaway you do awesome work with fabric dying! I am planning to dye some fabric this summer so it would be great of you could a tutorial or video up on the process you use because that fabric looks awesome!

  53. I love the natural primaries piece, so pretty! My 11 year old is fascinated by tie-dying, they did it at school last year and she’s been on my case to do it at home but I haven’t braved it yet!

  54. I like the deep red fabric and the sky blue one..although they’re all beautiful!

  55. Sunset is the best, and right after that is Black Orchid, I usually don’t go for pinks but it’s such a rich purplish pink .. Thanks for the chance!

  56. Daffodil sky is definitely my favourite

    thank you so much for this giveaway

  57. Really love the sunset fabric! Thanks for the chance, and keeping my fingers crossed!