Well, time flies when you’re having fun – HAH! It’s just FLYING by and now…Christmas is looming! Here is my list that I updated 2 weeks ago…and guess what, nothing on it has changed…well, I did get 3 of the 5 giveaway prizes mailed today. I’ve got to get the half finished totes and outfits done by Friday, because my last show of the year is this weekend. I also did a lot of business stuff that wasn’t on the list, so I’ve added that to the bottom in green, just so I could scratch it off again!
Item | Date Due | % Done |
List Botanical Sketches Series in Shop | 10/30/09 | 100% |
Custom 2T freshly picked baby outfit | 11/5/09 | 100% |
Custom Big/little sis freshly picked tees | 11/5/09 | 100% |
2-3 Cool Large Totes – hahaha! | 11/15/09 | 0% |
Simple Totes – hahaha | 11/15/09 | 0% |
10-15 Little Wallets | 11/15/09 | 100% |
10 Going Green Totes | 11/15/09 | 50% |
6 Freshly picked Outfits | 11/15/09 | 50% |
Order refill journals | 11/5/09 | 0% |
Photograph Scarves for website | ?? | 100% |
Website?? This could happen! | 100% | |
Order more Scarf Blanks | 11/10/09 | 100% |
Baby Quilts | 11/30/09 | 0% |
Large Messenger for ME! | 11/15/09 | 0% |
Laptop bag for Mary | 11/30/09 | 0% |
3-d Birdhouses & 3-d Row Houses | 11/30/09 | 0% |
Giveaway: drawn & sent |
11/30/09 | 100% |
MailChimp List sorted out, 1st newsletter sent |
11/30/09 | 100% |
Studio cleaned and pictures taken |
11/30/09 | 100% |
New Ad designed, sent to 2 blogs | 11/30/09 | 100% |
Packaging Tutorial written | 11/30/09 | 100% |
Stephanie Levy Interview | 11/30/09 | 10% |
Studio pix processed |
11/30/09 | 10% |
Studio pix processed |
I’m doing lots of networking right now – combine that with all the website tweaking I’m doing/thinking about doing, I haven’t had time to get my Google reader under control! Like, it’s been at over 1000 for … well since my website went live! I do have it divided into categories, so I’ve been keeping up with some folks, but some of the larger categories that include design blogs that post at a furiously fast rate, they’re just building up! Sigh. It just supports my justification of my NEED for a netbook for Christmas! That way I’ll be able to surf the web anywhere in the house, or someplace with wifi when I have a few minutes!
One wonderful thing about these posts is that they really have made me a list maker…in fact, I’ve now got a “Git ‘er Done” board in my studio, so I can keep careful watch on all the stuff I need to do. It also is a handy way to keep tracking codes of packages I send out so that I can follow up with an email after a few days (someting that gets kind of lost now..not that I have that many internet sales yet…I’m hoping that will change…someday…soon…) I THINK I’ve created a doable Christmas list of things I want to make this year…we’ll see how that goes, fingers crossed. But keeping it on the board allows me to not have it cluttering my brain, which is quite full at the moment, thank you!
Perched on my desk below the “Git ‘er Done” board are 3 scarves packaged up and ready for mailing. I’m really excited to 1) have thought of them in the 1st place and 2) actually posting a quick tutorial about them!
Some important Life goals this month are:
- finish the semester with flair
- Enjoy the holiday Season
- Pay attention to my family
And here are my December business goals
Item | Date Due | % Done |
Little Wallet Tutorial | 12/15/09 | 0% |
10 Going Green Totes | 12/04/09 | 50% |
6 Freshly picked Outfits | 12/04/09 | 50% |
Custom Order Wisteria Cape | 12/15/09 | 0% |
Wisteria & Tiger Lily Scarves | 12/4/09 | 0% |
Backpack for Janet | 12/18/09 | 0% |
Messenger for Julie | 12/20/09 | 0% |
Baby Quilts | 12/30/09 | 0% |
Netbook size Messenger for ME! | 12/24/09 | 0% |
Laptop bag for Mary | 12/30/09 | 0% |
3-d Birdhouses & 3-d Row Houses | 11/30/09 | 0% |
Stephanie Levy Interview | 12/30/09 | 10% |
Studio pix processed |
11/30/09 | 10% |
Xmas Presents made! | 12/15/09 | 5% |
Website tweaked, including buy me buttons | 112/20/09 | 10% |
Studio pix processed |
Wish me LUCK!
11 Responses
wow! I love your percentage system! I wish my brain was organized like yours!
Good job we’ve all got a good sense of humour… good luck at keep at it..
Good Luck! (Not that you need it, you can do it!)
I’m so impressed with your organization! Try to enjoy the holidays along with all the work you have ahead.
You are totally awesome! You get so much done every month, it is a wonderful inspiration to see you going for it like you do. Have a great December!
Huge lots of luck with your massive list, whoa! I get such a kick out of your percentages – I love having a tangible visible image representing things coming along. Have a fantastic December! Oh, and I love the names of some of the things in your list ‘wysteria cape’ and ‘tiger lily scarves’.
Wow, sounds like you’re going to be happily busy and very organized. I love making bags.
I like that you have an actual due date set up. That helps give focus to each project even more. Good thinking.
You have sensible goals. Good luck!
great goals for december (i especially love #2!) hope you have a fabulous month & happy holidays!