I’ve been so busy that it’s taken me a couple of weeks to share my latest magazine publication! I’ve got 2 projects in the 2015 edition of Quilting Arts Holiday, my Retro Ornament Wall Quilt and my cute little Bird Ornaments!
Every time my work is in a magazine, I marvel at how they stage it! It’s genius, every time, and makes my work look so much better! I love the blue wall my quilt is hung on, and those ornaments in the clear jar are perfection:
And hanging a few of my birds on a boxwood wreath? Pure genius, I’m totally stealing this idea!!!!
I love that they used pictures of both my pieces as background for the divider of each section of the magazine:
There are lots of other GREAT projects in there! Susan Brubaker Knapp has a lovely art quilt:

Jamie Fingal has these cute flowers that she turns into pincushions and scarves:
And lots of others! My first art article was published in Quilting Arts Gifts 2010, I’ve had at least one project in every holiday issue since then, this latest set of publications brings me up to a total of 28 articles!!! Although it doesn’t feel like that much, it really is an amazing fact that I should be proud of!