Free Motion Quilting Sampler Book

When I started teaching free motion quilting, I finally sat down and made something to make it easier: a sampler book with a small page of each quilting motif I wanted to illustrate. I used grommets and book rings to assemble it so I can change out the page order. It’s been amazingly helpful, something I wished I’d done YEARS ago!

I’ve been promising my FMQ students that I was going to post big pictures of every page on my site for them to see – I’ve finally done that here!


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For folks who haven’t taken my FMQ class, where I illustrate exactly how to make the book, you can see me talk you through the process in episode 1306 on Quilting Arts TV.











I also have written an article on how to make this book, that’s in the February/March 2014 issue of Quilting Arts.



If you’re interested in taking a Free Motion Quilting class with me, check info on upcoming classes on the Upcoming Events tab of my website.


I’m always adding new classes, so you may want to add yourself to my monthly email newsletter list (there’s a form on the right side of my website) so you hear about new classes as soon as I set them up…my Redlands Sewing Center classes fill up quite fast!




Here’s smaller pictures that you can click to enlarge, to allow you to quickly see the pattern you want:


6 Responses

  1. Have you thought about doing a video class? That would be awesome for those of us that can’t take your class in person. 😀


  2. Thanks Candy,
    I’d seen the book on a previous blog, and thought it a great way to present samples, it’s even more impressive page by page. I’m sure we’d learn heaps from a video if you can find time!

  3. Great! I love the idea of keeping it all in a book – some day I will get organised. It will be a great Teaching aid.