Our Kitchen Reno | The Waiting Game

Well, I’ve been baking in the new kitchen and loving it

Apricot kuchen... is what's for breakfast!

Dutch baby for breakfast!

wheat bread

but the island bottom has been sided and I’ve been painting it right in the middle of the kitchen while Andrew’s finishing the new top out in the garage, so it’s been tough to navigate!

I’ve also dyed the stool slipcovers and have fabric for curtains rinsing in the washing machine as I write this…oh, I wish it were all done!!!!


3 Responses

  1. OMGoodness! You have come a long way in a short period of time!…if I still lived in CA I would dare to ask “when is the open house?” LOL!!! Your baking looks beautiful, I am sure it tastes as good as it looks too…so good to know you are enjoying the fruits of your labors!

  2. hi! we’ve been in preparations for our upcoming kitchen remodel and like you used ikea’s online planner. i found your blog yesterday and have PORED over it! every. single. kitchen. reno. post! i’m wondering how your butcherblock is holding up through these months since?

    any way you could post a follow up about how you’ve enjoyed your kitchen and, specifically, your countertops?
    would love to know how you like your sink. what faucet did you pick (was it ikea?)?

    OH and i’d REALLY love to see INSIDE your cabinets and drawers!!!

    LOVE your new kitchen!!! your detailed posts were super helpful!!

    1. HI Katie!

      I am so glad you’ve found my kitchen remodel posts helpful! I know that I really found blogs to be a help in my process, so had the hope that these would help future kitchen DIYers!

      So, I know I really need to do a TA DAH! post – I’ve got to make some pillows and a quilt for the family room, so it’s gonna be another couple of months on that. (Sigh, when it’s so close to perfect in your mind, you want it perfect!!!!)

      But I can answer your questions now. Our faucet is a Delta Touch 2.0, I talk about it here: https://www.candiedfabrics.com/2013/07/29/kitchen-reno-sink/ and I LOVE it. I now sometimes find myself touching other faucets and wondering why they don’t turn on, LOL!
      We really didn’t like the Ikea faucets, they just didn’t feel like they would hold up.

      I love the sink!!!! Just about every huge item I have fits in it flat so it can soak if needed – 2 muffin tins fit side by side.

      Our countertops are holding up amazingly well. Here are the posts where I talk about them:
      These aren’t from Ikea, they are from Lumber Liquidators and are SO awesome! The Waterlox finish has been doing an amazing job. There are a couple of spots (both the size of a dime) around the sink we’re going to have to repair, and I shall blog about that when we do, but overall it’s awesome!

      Sigh, now I can see I’ve got 2 or 3 more posts to write on this kitchen reno! It’s gonna have to wait until my newest DVD workshop launches though!!!!

      Let me know if you have any more specific questions!
