I’ve spent some time off and on researching organic sources of PFD (prepared for dyeing) cloth to use. My first experiment using a non-PFD organic cloth from Fox Rich textiles was not very successful:
About a month ago I tried again, with an organic muslin from Dharma trading. I’m much happier with the results! I included the last of the Fox Rich non-PFD organic, this time pre-washing it (not scouring it with soda ash, just washing with regular detergent). I still didn’t get much color with that fabric, but the colors with the Dharma muslin are just about as intense as my go-to PFD, so I know have a viable organic source!
My friend Cyn over at River Dog Prints has a bi-monthly meetup called “Collecting Color“. I love that color is as important to her as it is to me! And me having fabric that sucks up lots of dye is much importanto!
3 Responses
Thanks for the post. I love to test things out, too. Vicki Welch also shares her testing with fabric, soda ash, etc. I think it’s great that dyers are so generous with their knowledge!
I’m glad you found some organic fabric that can soak up that color! It’s a great option to offer in your line of colorful, wearable art.