The title of this post says it all…we just got a letter about registering Liam for High School – in less than a month! Holy Guacamole! Are you kidding me?
The other day he came home and asked me if I could type up this “concrete poem” – which is a poem that is written in the shape of what it’s trying to illustrate. Amazingly, he asked for this in the afternoon, rather than at bedtime, so I was more than happy to type it up – and bless my soul, I know enough about illustrator that I could get the text drawn on a path quickly, so this was actually fun! I also really love the poem itself, so I thought I’d share it with you…while I contemplate the fact that this boy is going to be in high school next fall.
alamodestuff Linda has started a weekly meetup based on taking a moment each week to really notice something as you go about your daily grind life. I need to do this. You may want to too – read more about it here:
8 Responses
They grow up TOO FAST! Love the poem – very clever!
Oh no, Misspelling! It says “What is something bad happens” instead of what IF something bad happens.
That is awesome! I totally went along for the ride.
I just got off the phone with M’s high school in NV. I’m registering him long distance. Can’t believe it.
GEEZ….Liam in high school already! It goes by WAY TOO FAST!! Can’t beleive Ry is more than half done with his first year of college and we are starting to look at colleges for Karyssa! Love the poem by the way!
This will be here before I know it. I love watching them take on each new challenge and I do enjoy each stage. But sometimes, it’s so fast!
Awesome! I think he’s ready… even if you’re not 🙂
so great!! i remember writing concrete poems in school, this takes me back 🙂 love his creativity! there’s no slowing them down, so the only thing that’s left to do is enjoy it!!
How cute is that poem?! And go you for getting Illustrator to cooperate haha. I love to read everyone’s OM posts because we all have these little experiences that make life special… to share them is to share our hearts, really.