One Moment | Concert Time

Liam’s had lots of concerts lately, this weekend it was with Intermezzo, the younger branch of the Claremont Young Musician’s Orchestra. This is quite a select group of young players, ages 8-17, who audition every fall and spend most sunday afternoons together rehearsing. Here they are playing in a beautiful “small” Bridges Hall in Pomona College. (Those of you who follow me on twitter/Facebook may remember some very distressed messages from me this past Thursday. I had to pick up Liam from Disneyland where his school band had played a concert and then stayed to play. Some mis-communication led to Liam arriving at the pickup point without his trombone, resulting in some stressful moments driving in horrible traffic to get him to the hall for the dress rehearsal…there are 2 different Bridges Hall of Music on the campus…sigh…) Anyway, it’s beautiful!


Logan, Andrew and I had 2 hours to kill before concert time…with the rain and darkness, a bit of time spent in Panera was in order.


The 2 weekends before last, Liam was in All Southern Honor Orchestra, which meant lots of driving for me as the rehearsals were just inland from Newport Beach (over an hour). The day of the concert, Logan, Andrew and I again had 2 hours to kill – this time a quick trip to the beach was in order!

Liam is keeping up hopping! Very much like my childhood – I too was in all sorts of youth orchestras and bands, my Mom and I did lots and lots of driving. My moment(s)? I love that Liam is beginning to have these experiences, he’s getting to play with better and better groups, which I know feeds the drive to continue to keep playing (and can be a lot of fun). ALSO! My husband is an equal partner in the driving to the rehearsals, and we often get to attend the concerts together, with Logan in tow. Quite different from my childhood…something I really, really am glad is different!
om [one moment] meet up

alamodestuff Linda has started a weekly meetup based on taking a moment each week to really notice something as you go about your daily grind life. I need to do this. You may want to too – read more about it here:

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