What does art mean in your life?

This is a question I struggle with often. A tweet led me to this Tanya Davis song: “Art”. And it reminded me of several ways art has meaning for me – perhaps it’ll point out some way art has meaning for you too!

I’ve gotten 26 responses to my “Getting to know you” survey that I posted about yesterday. (Phew, I’m not a dork, people are taking my survey!) I’ll let it run for a few days, and report back on the results (remember, I’m a scientist by training – I LOVE data)!

3 Responses

  1. Love the video clip! I will go take the survey now. I keep forgetting. 🙁 Hope you get lots of data to work with!

  2. Very cool music video! I’m inspired already!
    Art is an expression of the soul and may not have meaning or purpose but it just is…