Another quick post before I sign off for the weekend. Katie From Art Wall Online has done a very nice interview with me! Although (believe it or not, as you will) I really don’t like talking about myself, answering questions and trying to explain my process I learn new things about myself – who knew?
Anyway, if you have a minute or two, please do go check it out…what I love most is that she is predicting that 2010 is going to be the Year of the Art Quilt – for ME! Yay! Thanks Katie!
6 Responses
Totally think this year should be yours!
Great interview! Congratulations!
That was a great interview, Candy, and I’m hope she’s right about this being the year of the art quilt for you, you do them SO well!
Very cool, good luck Candy
You are more than welcome and it was my pleasure!
This was a great interview Candy! It was great to see how you have come full circle with your art, but I hope you keep up with the everyday art too. I love it when functional everyday items are art too!