Art Wall Online Interview: 2010, the Year of the Art Quilt

Another quick post before I sign off for the weekend. Katie From Art Wall Online has done a very nice interview with me! Although (believe it or not, as you will) I really don’t like talking about myself, answering questions and trying to explain my process I learn new things about myself – who knew?


Anyway, if you have a minute or two, please do go check it out…what I love most is that she is predicting that 2010 is going to be the Year of the Art Quilt – for ME! Yay! Thanks Katie!

6 Responses

  1. That was a great interview, Candy, and I’m hope she’s right about this being the year of the art quilt for you, you do them SO well!

  2. This was a great interview Candy! It was great to see how you have come full circle with your art, but I hope you keep up with the everyday art too. I love it when functional everyday items are art too!