July Goals Meetup

Item Date Due % Done
AFC Postcard 7/31/09 95%
Tote for Co 7/31/09 30%
Laptop bag for Liz 7/31/09 30%
Laptop bag for Mary 7/31/09 0%
Website – handoff to Mary ?? 100%
2 Baby Quilts 7/31/09 0%
Large Messenger for ME! 7/31/09 0%
3-d Birdhouses 7/31/09 0%
3-d Row Houses 7/31/09 0%
Dye lots of scarves & fabric 7/31/09 0%
Make replacement blankie & send 7/30/09 100%
Prototype Organic Onesie 7/31/09 50%
Request Recycled Totes to test 7/31/09 100%
Find Organic fabric wholesale source 7/31/09 75%
Photograph & list Going Green Journals on Etsy 7/31/09 100%
Send one shout out to blog in hopes of being blogged 7/31/09 100%

Well, even with the list shortened because of that darn vacation I didn’t get a bunch of my goals complete. BUT, I did do a lot of other business stuff – so to make myself better I added those new things to the list in green, just so I could cross them off!

I did get an idea for a new baby item I wouldn’t mind making some to sell after quick dyeing a replacement blankie for a lost one. I’ve also been meaning to try to find affordable organic or recycled sources for my PFD fabric, after being so excited making journal covers for 100% recycled paper journals. I even sent off a “look at me” note to a popular blog, and (fingers crossed) I’ll get a mention on their blog next week. So, I think overall I DID get some business stuff done this month! WooHoo!

Okay, so my last month of freedom, (wail – summer vacation – it’s halfway OVER!) I truly want to get a lot of stuff done, so this Fall I can concentrate on the making aspect of my little business in dribs and drabs, and not worry about big items like finding new sources of fabric, etc… Thus, the list for August:

Item Date Due % Done
Tote & clutch for Co 8/5/09 30%
Laptop bag for Liz 8/31/09 30%
Laptop bag for Mary 8/31/09 0%
RAA Newsletter 8/12/09 0%
2 Baby Quilts 8/31/09 0%
Large Messenger for ME! 8/31/09 0%
3-d Birdhouses 8/31/09 0%
3-d Row Houses 8/31/09 0%
Dye lots of scarves & fabric 8/31/09 0%
Prototype Organic Onesie 8/31/09 50%
Test Dye Recycled Totes 8/31/09 0%
Find Organic fabric wholesale source, test if affordable 7/31/09 75%
Add Journals to Cosa Verde Front 8/10/09 0%
Send 2 shout outs to blogs 8/31/09 0%

And because NO post is complete without a picture, here are my guys at the Upper Falls of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon – see, we DID have fun!


0 Responses

  1. Your vacation looks great and those are SO important! You accomplished quite a bit too. Good luck with your August goals!

  2. I like the “percent done” column. I may need to start instituting that for my partially done projects. Good luck with August!

  3. I must say, I LOVE Yellowstone. So much. It is definitely one of the most amazing places on earth!

    And I love that you do your goals with percentages, that is very cool so you can always see that you have made progress, its not just done or not, its partially there, almost there. Much more attractive 🙂

  4. Candy, even if you didn’t finish everything you wanted, you still get more done in a day than I get done in a month. Good luck with August – love the pic at Yellowstone!

  5. You had quite a lot on your list, so even the amount that you accomplished was seriously impressive! I do that too… but every once in awhile it’s a good idea to make a list of things you KNOW you’ll finish, it’s encouraging. 🙂 Good luck in August!

  6. Wow, great job, you got so much done in July, even though it wasnt the whole list.
    Like how you listed out the % of your goals, its a great way to track how much you’ve done so far and what’s left! Good luck in August!
    – Deb

  7. Yay for vacation, and still getting so much done, great job! Really like how you are keeping track of how far done your projects are, very cool way to keep track of progress. Hope your August is spectacular!

  8. Yeah, you definitely got a lot done! Even if it’s not as much as you had hoped, I think we expect a little too much of ourselves sometimes. Good luck with August!

  9. I hope you had a wonderful vacation!

    This is my first month at the Monthly Goal Meetup – and in business on Etsy, so it’s nice to “meet” you.

    Congrats on completing all your goals!

    x Cheri