Just popping in…

to say HI! I Miss you blog-o-sphere! There are 340 unread posts in Google Reader as we speak!

We had a crazy busy weekend, what with 2 whole days in the park, a birthday party for Logan on Friday afternoon, then family bday celebration with him Sunday night. I’ve officially decreed next weekend as Mother’s Day! Poof! I will have breakfast in bed next Saturday!

Until then, I’m in the throes of teaching – the 3rd of 4 weeks. I had format/edit the Redlands Art Association newsletter this evening, and there’s concerts to attend this week as well! AAAHHH!

Show report:

This year was much better than last year. My sales are still mostly small stuff – scarves and Going Green bags. I did sell one piece of actual art:

6  little birds

Sigh, my favorite little birds piece. LOVE that red! Must make more…soon…

Here’s some pix of my booth setup – although I was happy with it at the time, looking at it now, as well as with some input from dear hubby, I see it didn’t do a god job of drawing people in. We’re going to get more gridwall before the next show (not til next Fall, thank goodness) and try to do away with the tables…

Art in the Park S 09 007

  Art in the Park S 09 013

Art in the Park S 09 014  Art in the Park S 09 008

The best part of this show is that I was surrounded by friends and acquaintances – and that makes all the difference! As I begin my 3rd year of doing business as an artist, I realize how much I’ve grown as a member of this community, as well as an artist! – Worth it’s weight in gold!

0 Responses

  1. Your tent is so colorful and attractive! Like you, I enjoy meeting new people and seeing old friends. Shows can be long and exhausting, but the comradery is worth it all!