There’s Nothing Like Family Visiting to Spur the Finishing of Projects!
Our vacation starts today! My brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew arrive today for a 2 day visit; Madison has a softball tournament starting Saturday afternoon
Our vacation starts today! My brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew arrive today for a 2 day visit; Madison has a softball tournament starting Saturday afternoon
Yesterday I showed you the Mission rocker hubby and I were refurbishing, today I can share the end result! Now I’ve got to make a
One thing I did during Thanksgiving break is slipcover my hubby’s new chair. We bought this chair 9 years ago (actually, just before we moved
Believe it or not, my hubby gets crazy ideas too! About this time last year he and I installed wood floors in my friend Liz’s
…the tough get organizing! 🙂 My husband and older son are gone, back to his home in Indiana. His Dad had a stroke about a
It should not be a surprise, but as my business grows, my storage shrinks! I’ve done a series of de-cluttering and clearing out of unneeded
After the declutter to end all declutters in the boys playroom and bedroom last week, we then ripped up the nasty carpet and padding on
I’m workig hard with 6 more days of classes left and a magazine article due Friday. I sent the houses off today (big phew) but