My New Bag – A Take Off Tote
Here it is! By the time you read this, I’ll have already used my new bag, made with the Take Off Tote pattern by Erin
Here it is! By the time you read this, I’ll have already used my new bag, made with the Take Off Tote pattern by Erin
I’ve been squeezing in bits of stitching here and there, and finished 2 custon zip bags recently. The first one is a small one, just
I zippity stitched up 3 different zip clutches late last week. This first one had to get in the mail quick as a bunny, so
Well, I managed to make 8 new zip clutches this week, stitching away in little pockets of time. I didn’t take and share any in-process
I got an email the other day from Vivika DeNegre, the Editorial Director of the quilting group of F&W Media the other day that my
I finished another 5 Hand Dyed Cotton Sateen Zip Clutches for my upcoming show! Now I’ve got to switch into show prep: printing off labels, pricing,
Yipee! I got the clutches I was working on last week done Saturday morning! 3 of them were made with fabric I dyed in this
While dyeing with my Niece and Nephew I also dyed some clothes for myself. I dyed a linen skirt a pretty mix of purple and