Here’s the second iteration of this new bag I’m working on:
Here’s a picture comparing the first (left) and second (right) prototypes:
The first prototype’s flap was too long and too narrow, I think I took this flap is the right width now, but a bit too short…
The other thing I’ve been figuring out is exactly how to quilt the glue resist patterns. This is a complete new way of fabric dyeing for me, and it’s much flatter than my usual dyeing techniques, so using a variegated navy thread was jarring with the strong white lines, coming in and out of view. So I tried plain white thread to accentuate the patterns:
But kept the variegated thread on the solid indigo pieces:
I love the variegated on the plain bits, it makes the quilting decorative as well as functional. I’m not totally sure about the white thread, maybe it detracts from the resist lines? I’m going to make one more prototype, I’ll try plain indigo colored thread on that one just to make sure!
I also played with the width and height of the cell phone pocket, the width is great, but the height needs to change, my iPhone 6 plus sticks out a bit too much:
My Auntie Robin suggested a key clip inside, I agree that’s a good idea!
I can’t wait to wear this one out and about this week and try it out!