One Moment | A Cleansing Rain after a Long Week

It’s been a busy week! Here on the blog, there’s been lots of comment approving going on, there were 199 entries in my giveaway, and as would have it:

lucky number

Number 197 was the lucky one! winner

Victoria, who loves the Gerber Daisy color palette, is the lucky winner! (Victoria, if you’re reading this, you entered your email address wrong in the comment form. I was able to figure out that “” should have been “” and I re-sent it, but it’s possible that you spelled something else in your email wrong. If that’s the case, please contact me!)

Lots has been going on that I can’t wait to share with you, but it’s been a rough week full of finals, grading, and a bit of  disappointment. But yesterday I finished my grading, found a way forward past disappointment, and we had a long day of rain, something sorely needed in my part of the country. The sun came out just before it set, and I was able to capture this lovely photo of one of my roses in my rose garden:

rainy rose

And it expresses just how I feel right now…fresh and clean after a long, cleansing rain!