Proud Mom Moment | Liam’s in the Newspaper Again

Liam has been home from the NAfME All National Honors Orchestra for 10 days. He was contacted by Penny Schwartz, a reporter for the Riverside Press Enterprise when he got home, she and David Bauman, (a photographer) came by the house last Tuesday. This morning we found this awesome article with a really stunning picture of Liam on the front page of the Life section.

Absolutely fabulous picture of Liam, along with a nice article, in the Press Enterprise this morning!


You know, Liam’s fellow high school students really don’t pay much attention to what he’s doing. It’s so awesome when a people take some time to share his accomplishments – you can read the story here.

Just had to share this proud Mom moment!

Edit: found a way to share the picture from the article!

Liam Glendening
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7 Responses

  1. You must be “fit to pop” with pride. I love to see when dedication and hard work are recognized.