The Meetup | May Goals

Ok, so here is May, the craziest month of all! So much happens in this month: on the family front both boys have birthdays, there are end of school year concerts, all sorts of exams, and so on! IN the day job, I teach Mayterm, which is a crazy one class crammed into one month. Oh, and I’ve got a big 2 day show Memorial Day weekend and I’ve hardly made anything for the booth since before Christmas! Yeeks!

Lets see where I’m at:

April Goals

Send out DVDs from pre-orders and giveaways when they arrive ?? 100%
QA Gifts Articles April 14 100%
Mystery project Aprill 15 80%
Next 2 103 Sessions April 30 90%
Revamp RAA Website April 30 0%
calendar email to students April 30 100%
Guest Post for Quilting Daily April 16 100%
Proposals, samples etc for new classes at the Redlands Sewing Center April 25 100%
Teach FMQ class at RSC April 22 100%
calendar email to students April 30 100%
Could it be? A bag for Mary for real??? March 31 0%
Pillows for Jess & Jim March 31 0%
New Quilts for boys March 31 65%
Tree quilt for couch March 31 0%
Dye baby clothese for new baby Lathan! March 31 100%

I got everything that had hard and fast deadlines done, and I kept moving ahead on Dyeing 103 and the mystery project, so I’m pretty happy with that. And I got presents dyed for my cousin’s new baby (as well as some big sister clothes as well), that was pretty urgent as well, because all baby’s need colorful clothes, right?? 😉

As always, the making things for close family (Jess & Jim), friends (Mary) and my family fell to the wayside! Sigh…

This month I’ve got to get the booth stocked and family and school stuff done with care and attention. Oh, and the RAA site re-designed for the re-branding. So once I finish up the current session on Dyeing 103 I won’t start the next session until June, trying to accomplish too much will only end in disappointment! (I also polled the students, hardly anyone is actually ready for the next session anyway, so I think this will be just fine!)

May Goals

Mystery project May 5 80%
Finish 103 session 7 May 5 90%
Revamp RAA Website May 5 0%
calendar email to students May 31 0%
Refill scarf stocks May 23 12.5%
Finish Botanical Sketch Pillows May 23 0%
Going Green TOtes re-stock May 23 0%
Could it be? A bag for Mary for real??? June 15 0%
Pillows for Jess & Jim June 15 0%
New Quilts for boys June 15 65%
Tree quilt for couch June 15 0%

Because no post is complete without a picture, here’s a picture of Stirling who illustrates how I feel about now:
