I’ve been a long time fan Victoria Gertenbach’s work, she blogs at The Silly BooDilly and has an Etsy shop as well. She and I met 2 years ago in the green room of Quilting Arts TV and have become long distance friends after emerging from that beautiful, stressful day wiser and more experienced of many things new to us both.
She commented on one of my indigo dyeing posts, and I knew instantly that she would like some indigo fabric, so I dyed some up, along with a scarf, and sent it to her:
A few weeks later, she blogged about a couple of quilts she’d made with the fabric, and there was an email in my inbox from her telling me she wanted to send me one of them, but she wanted me to choose which one! Eek! So exciting!
I chose “Indigo Blue Cross No. 1” and it arrived yesterday:
I love love love it! The worn look of all the (freshly hand-dyed) indigo totally fits her aesthetic, and mine as well!
I roamed the house looking for a likely spot for it, and hit upon this area right by my beloved new hardwood stairs hubby installed this summer:
You can see it from the front door – in fact, Logan exclaimed “Ooh, cool, new art!” the moment he walked in the door this afternoon! I also see it while walking up the stairs to my studio:
I love the texture she gets with her stitching, alternating rows of indigo and slate blue. I’ve borrowed this picture from her site, as it shows it so much better:

Ah, it’s just so lovely…and a lovely reminder of kindred spirits who can connect across the country via the internet! Thanks so much Victoria!
6 Responses
That is gorgeous! Logan has great taste!
What a great gift- the colors are wonderful! So nice to make new friends 🙂
Wow that’s beautiful! It looks great there next to the staircase. 🙂
Yay! I LOVE where you hung it! (Those stairs are so drool worthy… absolutely gorgeous, your hubby did an awesome job!) xo 🙂
The indigo fabrics are very beautiful, and the finished quilt is as well! What a perfect spot for a small quilt.
This quit is amazing. Mental note: learn to sew in 2013