On my list of things to do this month I’ve added writing an interview for the very talented Stephanie Levy! She is running another session of her e-course called “Creative Courage“, which is (in her words):
An international e-course about finding, following, and realizing your creative dreams. I’ve designed Creative Courage as a practical guide to help you clarify your own unique path and give you the tools you need to start making your goals real.
Stephanie is an amazing artist who lives in Germany (they moved from Munich to Berlin this Summer). She’s a Mom to two beautiful and artistic little girls (her oldest just started 1st grade), and her love for travel is very evident in her work:

Her compositional skills, use of color, and style of combining abstract shapes with sketching are incredibly inspirational to me. I’ve been following her blog for years and am ALWAYS happy when a new post of hers shows up in my reader.

I know that reading about her enjoyment of teaching her first session of Creative Courage gave ME the courage to start offering my own e-courses!
Every time she runs the class (this is the 3rd I believe…) she interviews 12 artists/designers to share with the course participants, and this session I’m one of the 12. When I see the list of AMAZING people I’m amongst…well, I’m flabbergasted! And completely honored!

If you are looking for your own Creative Courage, I encourage you to take a look at this class!