Last week I got a call from a woman who has chatted with me (and purchased a gift or two) a few times in my booth at a local art fair. She is on a planning committee of a local golf association -they are planning a large golf tournament that ends with a lunch at the country club. Each participant (there will be 12 tables of eight) receives a thank you/participation gift that is waiting for them on the tables. Could I make scarves for this event? By May?
Why…YES! Yes I can!
So she and another member of the committee came to visit my studio today to pick out colors. We all liked the idea of choosing 8 of my palettes that are spring-like, and different enough from each other to emphasize that each scarf is unique, hand-made and one of a kind. I’ve got at least 8 different ways of manipulating the scarf before I pour the dye on, so really, each scarf in the group of 96 will be unique. We spent some time with the scarves, and ended up laying them out in little pouffs on my worktable to visualize how they would look on a table with white table cloths and plates:
These are from both my Spring and Summer palettes. After we agreed on these 8, we discussed display. I’m going to dye some silk ribbon with the scarves and use this to tye each scarf in bundle with loose edges. I mocked one up real quickly, and it looks rather nice! I’m also going to get some clear bags to put the scarves in for safe keeping.
We had great fun planning this all out, and with this much lead time, they will be part of my Spring show dye schedule, so really, not very stressful at all!
Upon leaving, they emphasized how much they enjoyed being able to source these gifts from their home town, supporting a local artist (me!). This was possible because I’ve done around 8 shows/year for the past three years right here in Redlands, smiling, sharing my process, and in general showing my love of color and “can do” attitude to everyone who entered my booth! There really is nothing like interacting on this level, although I do my best to re-create this feeling here on the blog.
7 Responses
congrats! and those scarves are gorgeous 🙂
I am not a scarf person but the colors of the scarf on the bottom left (in the first photo) as well as the one to the immediate right of it (of course, it’s purple) are my favorite. 😀
That is so awesome! I love the fresh colors. You do beautiful work! I love that they locally sourced their event too!
Those are going to look beautiful on the table. I would be so happy to play in that tournament. How great to be able to provide these for the locals!
Wow girl! Good for you, that’ll move those numbers – the scarves look so scrumptious laid out like that!