Today I’d love to introduce Allisa Jacobs of Quiltish!
1. Where are you located globally?
Just outside Portland, Oregon. My home state!

2. Where are you found online?
Etsy: www.allisajacobs.etsy
My blog:
(CG: Allisa JUST did an “extreme makeover” to her blog & shop headers…and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! So spare, so simple, but just so her! Fantastic job!)
3. What is your favorite thing to make?
bags & clutches and quilts for gifts & family

4. When you’re making it…
a. what do you love most about it?
I love choosing fabrics & pairing different prints together. I really love seeing an idea come together from sketch to prints to structure to details to photographing the finished piece. And ultimately I really enjoy seeing someone or hearing that someone loves one of my items.
b. is there some part you really can’t stand?
Well, I really enjoy the whole process but get pretty frustrated when I hit a road bump, such as one of my designs not working out. I often let things rest for a bit & return to them a day, week, or even months later to give them another try.
(CG: I can NOT get over how much I LOVE this flower form Allisa! Part of me wishes I’d invented it, part of me SOOO wants to use the idea ;-), another part of me is afraid to do anything with it because it would always feel like yours!)
5. Do you consider yourself process or product oriented?
I am definitely process oriented. I generally don’t use patterns to sew (or recipes to cook for that matter!) and just enjoy sketching out ideas & figuring out how things can be put together to make something. This often leads to many mistakes but a lot of gratification when the final piece is something I treasure.
Allisa, thanks so much for sharing your process! Everything you make shows such attention to detail…and your product photos are Awesome! Bravo there! And….these tree pillows that I found in your shop? Love them! And they were in Better Homes & Gardens? AWESOME! Do tell – did you sell a zillion of them????
8 Responses
This was such a great spotlight on a fabulous artist. I have been bloggy friends with Allisa for a while now, and am looking forward to really meeting her in Portland. She has an amazing eye for color and design. Thanks for this feature article.
What a lovely feature!
i’ve always been a big fan of allisa’s work, and it’s fun to learn a bit more about her here! ps – i love the flowers, too! so so cute.
What a treat to be included in this series! Candy, you have such fantastic talent & I’ve admired your blog for so long- I’m all giddy seeing my little face up there! Your questions really made me think about my process more than I had, and I really appreciate that.
xoxo, allisa
*giggle over Candy’s inner thought over Allisa’s flower*
Love her shop and thanks for sharing!!
I love these posts, Candy. I just recently discovered Allisa and her work. I really dig how she plays with patterns and shapes – the flowers are lovely.
Great artist, and another blog to follow – thanks Candy!
Love this post~ her pieces are fantastic!!