The Creative Empire

I had an amazing day today taping Quilting Arts TV. A detailed post with all the deets is coming…after I rest and absorb it all!

But, I had to stop in and let you folks know what a fantastic time I had…and also to rave about “Scoutie Girl” Tara Gentile & “Crafting an MBA” Megan Auman’s newest venture – The Creative Empire. They both have been such huge inspirations to me…they make me think about WHY I’m doing something with my little business, which leads me to understand a bit more about HOW I’m doing, and whether it’s a path I want to pursue. Megan has awesome advice on her blog about the nuts and bolts of running a creative business. She’s been “in the trenches” so to speak of running a handmade business, and so when she has advice to give, I know it’s been hard earned and well thought out! Tara, well she’s an inspiration to me! Her writing about WHY we should buy handmade speaks to my own beliefs…her 52 weeks to blogging your passion ebook has been a great help to my blogging on a daily basis.

Their newest venture is a creative community of support, training, and big ideas. I jumped on board the minute they opened it and I’m so glad I did. We’ve had some great conversations about where our businesses are headed, and some great brainstorms (with actionable advice) on how to grow our businesses. Am I an affiliate of this group – heck yeah! I love what they’re doing, and I’m proud to be part of it! So click on over and explore a bit more…and if you join, well that’s awesome. But whether you do or not, I hope you applaud folks who are doing their darndest to explain to the outside world why buying hand made is the RIGHT thing to do…and doing their darndest within our handmade community to help us be the best business-folk we can be!

One Response

  1. Kewl – everybody should buy hand-made, nothing is being manufactured in this country anymore and I for one am tired of it – give me an indie business every time!