One Moment: My husband’s hands

I’ve posted previously about how I find the evidence of an artists’s hands in their work to be inspirational. I spent the lion’s share of yesterday writing a tutorial on how to make an ultimate storage cart (coming on Friday over at Lillyella). My twitter friends were regaled with quips about how much I loved looking at pictures of my husband’s forearms while I was editing the photos. Yes, I do find them to be very attractive…but I think it goes deeper than that.

Andrew is professional trombonist, and a full time University administrator (he’s Dean of the U of Redlands School of Music). For most people, this would be more than enough. But he still finds time to make things with his hands… fulfilling my wishes for useful furniture and beautiful floors. His ability to do practical things was one of the qualities that made me fall in love with him over 19 years ago, and while staring at pictures of those hands yesterday I was reminded of how incredibly lucky I am.

om [one moment] meet up

alamodestuff Linda has started a weekly meetup based on taking a moment each week to really notice something as you go about your daily grind life. I need to do this. You may want to too – read more about it here:

8 Responses

  1. Great post! I think it’s very impressive that you husband is so skilled in so many areas! You’re a lucky lady! 🙂

  2. oh goodness…I have tool envy. I worked on dramatic theatre set design when I was in college and we got to use all the cool power tools. Now in a town home, without a garage (and a hubby who doesn’t like DIY home improvement projects) I am without a table saw, a router, and a-on-my-Christmas-list-pneumatic-nailer. And it is amazing that those same furniture-working-floor-laying-hands can also play such amazing music. You are a lucky gal!

    and my 2 1/2 yo daughter who is sitting in my lap, love the lollypop wheels at the top of your web page. 🙂

  3. Sounds like both of you are equally talented. I don’t know how working people find the time for anything extra and look at the two of you!! Kids too. I’m starting to think I need to get on the ball. It’s nice to hear about couples that still love & admire one another after so many years together.

  4. I’m usually the one with the power tools in hand. My husband aspires to be handy, but alas, it’s not his strong suit. I’m not complaining – he has many other gifts. But I do envy the end products from your handy hubby!