One Moment: Bees Bees Everywhere!

I’m working on my 2nd article, I really want to get the houses and stepouts in the mail tomorrow so I was out back searching for a branch so I could take a few pictures. We have a huge bottle brush tree that the hummingbirds just love, but it turns out that bees love them too! I’ve been worried about all the stories of  our bees dying out world wide, so was happily surprised to hear a swarm of them busily partaking of bottle brush nectar.

bottle brush

om [one moment] meet upalamodestuff Linda has started a weekly meetup based on taking a moment each week to really notice something as you go about your daily grind life. I need to do this. You may want to too – read more about it here:

3 Responses

  1. I actually have a photo of this pretty flower as the background on my phone! I love this plant. My great grandmother had one in her backyard and I remember putting together a sand cake and trying to spell out ‘happy birthday’ with the red strands, but then the wind began to pick up and I got frustrated and just sprawled them out and pretended they were sprinkles. 😀

  2. at the glimpse of the bright red strokes of bottle brush nectar… i smiled! adore this flower too, but never knew until now what it was called!
    thanks, candy.
