Still Life Art Quilt Commission – Day 2

I thought I’d share my process in the design & execution of a still life commission quilt I’m working on this week, day 1 here. (Updated deadline – THURSDAY at NOON) (Yikes). Yesterday was a wash – I spent the whole day at Disneyland, my older son’s jazz band was playing there, so I took my smaller son and we spent the entire day there. I still exhausted and its almost noon the next day! So, let me quickly show you what I did on Sunday:
Here’s the paper pattern printed up to full size (24″ x 32″) and taped together Kay-process-1
I blocked in the major shapes with the colors selected yesterday, adding one really fantastic piece of fabric to tie the warm orange in with the cool greens and blues. Kay-process-2
Here are the 5 major shapes roughly cut and placed in approximate position. Kay-process-3
Here I’m figuring out what colors to use for the pieces where the overlaps occur: Kay-process-4
Here’s the final arrangement, loosely fused to the background, and this is how far I got on Sunday Kay-process-5

I’ve got a lot of work to do today and tomorrow! So I’d best be about it! | Blog | Shop | Twitter | Facebook | Email

6 Responses

  1. Very nice! I wish I had an eye for color, etc. I’m good at following directions, but that’s about the extent of it…….lol.
