Another year, another Festival of Pie! The Glendening Family West (that’s my husband & I along with our two boys) love to cook & bake (well mostly my Hubby & older son love to cook, I much prefer baking…) and every year we invite some friends for dinner (11 this year)…and then MORE people come late in the day for the “Festival of Pie”! As we can’t leave out anyone’s favorite, we just make them all:
1. Pumpkin (2)
2. Apple (We’ll try Alton Brown’s fussy recipe this year)
3. Cherry
4. Mincemeat
5. Lemon Meringue (with new Meyer lemon’s from our tree – yay Southern California)
6. Red Coach Grill Chocolate (a.k.a. Uncle Chris’s Favorite, never mind that he’s never had Thanksgiving with us, since the 1st year Andrew & I were married, in 1992).
7. Sugar Cream (for the Hoosier in all of us)
8. Sweet Potato Pecan
9. Persimmon Pie (This is a new one for us, but someone gave us a lot of persimmons, we gotta use them up somehow!)
I truly have a lot to be thankful for this year (well, every year!), and one of the things I’m very thankful for this year is the support I’ve received from the wonderful people I meet on the internet! My big giveaway is just one way of saying thanks, it closes at Midnight Pacific time tonight, and it’s my hope to announce the winners tomorrow, along with a special discount for all my blog readers! So today, I’ve got some tall marching orders: 1) help bake lots of pie and 2) sort through all the giveaway entries! WooHoo!
Enjoy your prep day!
6 Responses
YUMMO! I can’t wait to eat pie!
Whose favorite is mincemeat!? Sounds like a ton of fun baking with the fam! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
Oh! You’ll have to let me know how that Apple Pie turns out! I’ve wanted to try it ever since I watched that episode!
I’m making pumpkin cheesecake. A little twist on the traditional! (I’m having cook/bake & tell along with sew & tell on Friday if you want to share a recipe! )
Holy crap sounds like a WHOLE LOTTA PIE’s.. hubbys favourite is Lemon Meringue and I love apple/loganberry.. and a meat pie is a must if you are an aussie, with tonnes of tomato sauce! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Now I know where to get pie for our feast, lol – we didn’t make a single one!