Haiti: How can we help?

Just like you, my heart cries out for the Haitian people. A lot of folks have put together some great online ways to help:

  • Indie Fixx is auctioning off donated items, a few each day, with all proceeds going to the Red Cross International Fund.
  • Jacquie over at Tallgrass Prairie Studio is auctioning of 3 of her awesome neighborhood quilts, the proceeds of which she will MATCH with proceeds going to the American Red Cross.
  • Craft Hope is an etsy shop stocked with handmade donated items, all proceeds go to Doctors without Borders, in 24 hours they’ve had 162 sales and raised just around $4,000. I’m donating one of my scarves, specifically the color palette called “Earth, Wind & Fire”, to remind us all of the beauty found in our powerful planet. Edit: It sold! Like really quickly – woohoo!
  • The indomitable Stephanie Pearl McPhee, a.k.a. the Yarn Harlot, has been fund raising for  Doctors without Borders since 2004 (folks donate directly to DWB and then email her what they’ve donated, other folks donate stuff as prizes). Her latest tweet, 24 hours old, says: “New #KWB total is $766, 527. That’s about $166,000 for #MSF since Wednesday, and we’ve still got 1000’s to add. Holy S**T.”

Holy S**t indeed! I know there are tons more efforts like this going on all over the internet. I know we’ll all be doing what we can.

Let me tell you what we’re doing at my university:  the University swim team is having a swim-a-thon “700 Miles to Haiti,” they’re securing pledges this week and then are attempting to swim 700 miles in laps (the distance between Florida & Haiti) the following week with all proceeds going to Doctor’s Without Borders and the International Committee Red Cross. I’ve got 2 swimmers in my class this semester, and plan on sponsoring both of them.

I’m amazed at all the good that comes from something so bad. And I live in hope that we can help Haiti rebuild in a stronger, healthier way, so they are more able to withstand the next crisis that comes their way.

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