Our Kitchen Reno | the Pantry

Well, we’re knocking things off the to-do list on this reno! But first, I actually got to cook in the kitchen!


I made some sourdough waffles, and when I was getting started, I got a little nervous, to actually use my new kitchen! But I got over it and made waffles!

Then, it was on to the pantry! We pulled everything out, cleaned it all, and added some shelves to replace the space we lost by putting the microwave in the pantry.






There is a LOT of stuff in that pantry! And we don’t need to buy coconut milk or water chestnuts for quite awhile! LOL!

While I was working on the pantry, Andrew was cruising on the rest of the list!

The things we’ve still got to do:

  1. Seal the tile
  2. Add trim to the top of the cabinets
  3. Install the hood
  4. Install shelves around hood
  5. Install backsplash hanging rails
  6. New top and huge drawer for island
  7. Paint the trim
  8. Caulk! We’re counting on this to hide a bunch of sins!
  9. Clean pantry and install new shelves
  10. Lower storage and counter in wet bar

All of those things left on the list don’t really effect the function of the kitchen much, so it is awesome to be able to use it!

One Response

  1. Can you tell me more about the shelves you used and where you got them? I think I found the smaller ones in the Ikea catalog but I’m not sure about the longer ones? How wide are the longer ones? I have really enjoyed reading about your remodel. I have a pantry and a large closet in my studio that needs better organization. The closet is large enough to lose too much in and I need a better system!
