Ok, well this year’s Festival of Arts is done and dusted!
Setup this year was really tough as hubby was out of town all week so Logan had to be my helper. He did get out of school for the day, but it took me from 10-5 to get the whole booth set up.

I really love my booth, but it’s got to change. I spent the weekend thinking about how to make it easier and in the end have decided I’ve got to invest in 2 walls worth of Mesh Panels. This should make setup 1000% easier!
The weather Saturday was GLORIOUS and we had a great turnout!

On nice days I love to leave my walls up so the breeze can blow through.
There were dire predictions of rain for Sunday, 75% of the artists packed it in. A few of us (about 10 to start) decided to stick it out, and although it was really cloudy, there was very little rain! I kept the sides of my EZ-up down, which actually looks a lot nicer as far as contrast of the art:

I had some sales, enough that the two day total was decent, but it got pretty lonely by 3 pm. I sure was happy to see my hubby and Liam show up so we could pack up and get home!