Testing the New Neutral Grey Dye Part 2

After my first round of testing the new neutral grey pure dye, I was surprised at how light the 4% DOS/OWG of this dye was. I was a bit worried because I’d batched it for a shortish, coolish amount of time, so I dyed another round of fabric, starting at 2% and going up to 8% to cover some of the previous concentrations and go higher to see how dark it could go. I made sure to microwave these so that they got enough warmth, as it again was pretty cool when I had time to dye.

SO, here are some of the first cooler batch along with the second warmer batch, the warmer batched 2% and 4% may be the tiniest bit darker, but not by much!


So here’s the whole range of intensities! Unless I totally made up my dye concentrate wrong so that all of my calculations are off, it’s official, neutral grey really is grey, and it never gets very dark, which is so weird, because we’re usually used to diluting black to get grey, right?


The thing that makes us dyers excited is that it’s made from one molecule only, so there’s no bits of different colors wicking along the hills and valleys of our lovely scrumbly visual texture.




Now, it’s time to cut these fabrics apart and see how they play with my other greys!