I’ve been working hard building up stocks for the 3-day show I’m doing, Art For Heaven’s Sake starts this Friday!
While dyeing lots of indigo scarves, I’ve been dyeing some cotton sateen and linen as well, I’ve got 2 ideas up my sleeve. The first are these linen buckets:
The round shape allows me to dye one piece that’s just big enough to be the side of one or two buckets with no excess, allowing the patterning to be paramount. These 2 prototypes are lined with a natural colored osnaburg on the left, and a pure white on the right:
Which do you think works better with the indigo dyed linen?The natural on the left, or the white on the right?
I’d love to know, just comment below. Thanks!
14 Responses
I prefer the white.
I also prefer the white but I am viewing it on a monitor!
Yep white, unless of course you use a natural cloth to start with. Indigo on natural looks great!
White. Unless the indigo is dyed on natural. On my screen it appears to be dyed on white.
I think they look better white – unless you’d try blue. It would look cleaner longer and I think it might be
definitely the white.
Love the white!
Lvoe the white over the natural color. A blue shade or red would be interesting and fun choices for a different look also. Loosk great!
Another vote for white!
I like the white. Have a great day!
Another vote for white!
Definately the white.
The white seems to make the “starburst” glow – another vote for white inside!
I really like the white one.