Meetup | April Goals

It’s hard to believe that another month has gone whizzing by, but by George it has! Lets see how I did!

March Goals

Workshop DVD Launch Festivities March 10 100%
More scarves for Colla Voce March 20 100%
Next 2 103 Sessions March 31 100%
QA Faux Snow Dyeing Article March 28 100%
calendar email to students March 31 100%
Taxes March 31 100%
Could it be? A bag for Mary for real??? March 31 0%
Pillows for Jess & Jim March 31 0%
New Quilts for boys March 31 65%
Tree quilt for couch March 31 0%

I was going to say I haven’t done any sewing this month, but that’s not true, because I had to stitch the new motifs for the Blog tour:







So yes, a bit of sewing was done, but the bulk of what I’m doing is working on Dyeing 103! But I’m really enjoying how it’s shaping up and have had a lot of great feedback from my students, so that’s all good!

I’ve got a lot coming up for April!

April Goals

Send out DVDs from pre-orders and giveaways when they arrive ?? 0%
QA Gifts Articles April 14 0%
Mystery project Aprill 15 0%
Next 2 103 Sessions April 30 0%
Revamp RAA Website April 30 0%
calendar email to students April 30 0%
Could it be? A bag for Mary for real??? March 31 0%
Pillows for Jess & Jim March 31 0%
New Quilts for boys March 31 65%
Tree quilt for couch March 31 0%

Luckily I’ve got a break at the end of the April, so as long as I get the DVDs shipped out when they come and those articles written (and step outs photographed…) on time, I should be good!

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