Snapshots from my Week

Don’t forget to enter my QA magazine giveaway, it closes at the end of today.

It’s been a nose to the grindstone kind of week, with lots of time spent on the computer:

working hard on my online class…and also trying to find a place to stay in the Tetons for a few days this Summer – with Liam touring with the NYO-USA this summer we could see them in the Tetons as well as Disney Hall, but we’ve gotta move fast to get that figured out.

So yesterday I took a few minutes to appreciate my yard!

The jasmine is starting to bloom

Look at all those buds!


My neighbors have a lovely bird of paradise:

Here’s our last rose of Summer – hubby’s got to cut the roses back, it simulates winter here, so this is really the last rose of Winter!!

While I was out back taking pix near the hummingbird feeders at prime tanking-up-before-the-night time, and he is mad! Can you hear him chirping at me?

Yup, he wanted me gone! 🙂