Snapshots from the Studio (Garage) | Repairing Our Mission Rocker

Way back when we were first married (21 years now!) we lived in Chicago, Andrew started building furniture. I helped with the sanding etc., but it is one of his hobbies. Anyway, I had a friend at the lab I was working at then had a house with a broken down greenhouse, and inside it was an oak mission rocker that had been left in there for a long time.

Andrew was able to bring it back to life, glueing the joints and bringing life back to the wood. We recovered the seat with a floral chintz and it’s been part of our household for 20 years! I often use it to stage pillows and bags in when taking pix in the backyard:


So 20 years later, it needed some glue again, I’d like to change the the color of the seat and we’ve learned a bit more about upholstery so we wanted another crack at the making the seat more comfortable (it really wasn’t very comfortable, so it’s not been sat in all that much!)



Hubby’s other hobby is building model airplanes, and he has this tool to cut styrofoam – it looks like a bow, and has a wire that can be heated. I worked like a charm to cut the new foam padding:




It’s ready for some hand dyed linen!