How can it be AUGUST! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!
And I need to apologize right here where it’s completely visible to some of the Meetup folks whose blogs I did NOT get to this month. I just plumb didn’t have time, and all the physical stuff I was doing left me so exhausted at the end of the day that my usual evening routine of watching a bit of TV whilst reading blogs turned into numbly staring at the TV and falling asleep. At some point, I had to cry “do-over” and clear Google Reader…But I should be back on track for this month. I’m sorry!!!!
OK, now that I’ve got that out of the way, I’d like to say that I should not be surprised by my lack of completion on that list down below…we did a fair amount of heavy home improving this month that was not part of my July plan (helping Liz install hardwood floor, total redo of the boys rooms, including new bamboo floors, building my ultimate storage cart).
July Goals | ||
Ultimate Storage Cart Tutorial | 7/20/10 | 100% |
Messenger bag article & step outs | 8/20/10 | 5% |
2 outfits for TV! YIKES! | 8/20/10 | 0% |
Messenger Bag Pattern | 7/31/10 | 10% |
Lesley Website | 7/31/10 | 95% |
Bizzi Lizzi Website | 7/31/10 | 0% |
Vicki Website: on hold | 7/31/10 | 0% |
4-5 Simply Beautiful Totes | 7/31/10 | 0% |
Simply Beautiful Tote Pattern | 7/31/10 | 0% |
Tote of many pockets Pattern | 7/31/10 | 0% |
I’ve spent a fair amount of time in front of the computer this month! 2 websites completely designed and launched, another just about done, and I’ve set up not one, but two, guest blogging gigs.
I’ll be posting a home dec tutorial every month over at Lillyella, (here’s my my first one, on how to build my ultimate storage cart, it was a doozy!), we’re calling the column “yes you CAN” to emphasize how do-able these projects are.
- My second gig will be over at Linda Demers’ alamodestuff – we’re launching a weekly “advice column” of sorts called Ask Candy. As a gal of many interests and a “can do” attitude, I’ve researched and attempted to do lots of things in my lifetime. Linda, as one of my good twitter buddies, has recognized my propensity to chime in with answers to relatively random questions on twitter, and she had the brilliant idea to turn this into a guest blog column! Fingers crossed that people will actually want to ask me questions on topics that include:
- Arts/Crafts of all sorts
- Home Decor (budget friendly, DIY style)
- Blogging/Web Design
- Small Business
- Multitasking/Organization
This month, big surprise, needs to be about my upcoming TV gig. I fly to Cleveland 4 weeks from today! YIKES! I’ve also got to redesign this here website. Oh, and get ready for a new semester of teaching…Yup, I’m gonna be busy!
August Goals | ||
Messenger bag article & step outs | 8/20/10 | 5% |
2 outfits for TV! YIKES! | 8/20/10 | 0% |
Re-tool Candied | 8/31/10 | 0% |
Messenger Bag Pattern | 8/31/10 | 5% |
Lesley Website | 8/31/10 | 95% |
Bizzi Lizzi Website | 8/31/10 | 0% |
Vicki Website: on hold | ?? | 0% |
Dye scarves for fall shows | 8/31/10 | 0% |
Dye New palettes for Mod Houses | 8/31/10 | 0% |
4-5 Simply Beautiful Totes | 8/31/10 | 0% |
Simply Beautiful Tote Pattern | 8/31/10 | 0% |
Tote of many pockets Pattern | 8/31/10 | 0% |
Wish me luck! Oh…and ask me a question! Please?? 🙂
10 Responses
You can do it! Looks like you have a very busy but also very big August ahead of you and I wish you lots of luck!
Hee hee. Some doozy questions that popped into my mind for “Ask Candy”. Great idea. You and Linda will make a dynamic duo. I can’t wait to see!
Eliminate the “2 outfits for TV” you only need 2 tops – you are only filmed from the top up!!! Hope this helps.
I think you get more done in one afternoon than I get done in a month. My goodness you’re busy!
Good luck with your goals! Love the advice column idea, and will have to pop back for it!
Hah. That’s how I feel– August ALREADY?? wha…? Anyways, you’ve gotten so much done! Its inspiring. And that Ask Candy column sounds great!
I absolutely LOVE the idea of Ask Candy. You know I will be submitting some questions for you. Can’t wait to see it weekly.
I’m kind of in the same boat with blog reading. I’m ever hopeful to catch up this week, but I’ll have to give myself a deadline for a clean sweep.
School starts this month for my boys… so fast! Enjoy what summer time you have left.
Thanks for the link on how to do a successful booth. I clearly have my work cut out for me. I adore your bags. Good luck with your goals!
Candy is going to take August by storm! That’s what the headline should read I think… Hope your month goes super well, good luck with everything, and have FUN on your TV gig (so cool)! And OK, so I am asking Candy: “HOW do you get it all done and live to be asked about it all?” You are a superhero!
I’ve had moments where I look at my Google Reader of over 1000+ posts & I think to myself “Will that number ever change?” Some day I hope lol. Your upcoming TV gig sounds really excited.. I wish you the best! Good luck on your goals & take care!