I really don’t like not doing things. My definition of a fun vacation is time in a CLEAN ORGANIZED house so I can make some art. God bless my husband, he goes along with my mania…most of the time. Sometimes he even supports it – I got bamboo flooring for my studio for Christmas!!!! And now we’ll install it! Yay! Today I cleared out what I HAD to, and covered everything else with plastic drop cloth. Here are before pix:
“But Candy!” you say…”You already have lovely hard floors in there anyway!”
Well, yes & no. Our 1st Christmas here 4 years ago my hubby made me the rolling cutting table on the left in the 1st picture and can lights for Christmas. While we were roaming around in Lowe’s picking up something for the can installation we literally ran into a pile of el-cheapo plastic laminate floor, and we snapped it up and installed it. I works for me – I can roll around and it’s easy to sweep, but we didn’t get the floor level enough when we installed it – the dip in the floor bothers my husband, plus the floor is breaking up in a couple of places:
So out it goes tomorrow! I think we’ll even install the baseboard when we’re done this time! Also very exciting is the fact that I’ve finally convinced hubby to take the dreaded sliging mirror closet doors out for good. I’m going to hang a curtain instead so I can have access to the whole closet at once when I’m working, and then the curtain will act as a photo backdrop when it’s closed.
Bring on the Advil!